Which way is cheaper to travel from New York to Montreal, driving or taking a bus?
2006-03-30 00:22:41 UTC
Which way is cheaper to travel from New York to Montreal, driving or taking a bus?
Three answers:
2006-03-30 05:37:36 UTC
Depends: If you already own a car, it's cheaper to by gas than pay for bus fare. If you need to rent a car, the bus fare is cheaper. In addition, you'd need to drive the car , whereas on the bus you can be more relaxed - for the 373 miles (6.5 hrs or so).

The other consideration is: where in Montreal are you going?

If mostly to downtown Montreal, then you don't really need a car there, and can easily get around by walking, taking Metro or cabs. You'll also avoid the hassle of looking for parking space. In this scenario, definitely bus is a convenient choice.

Have fun!
Prima Donna
2006-03-30 22:22:20 UTC
The plus side of bus traveling is that you can travel by night, sleep 8 hours and wake up in Montreal. If you travel by car you'll end up loosing the whole day driving.
2006-03-30 08:24:58 UTC

it's my please to stay with your question..

i think you can a bus, that's cheaper than take a own vehicle.. but IF you want some fun it's your day with a car..

happy journey.


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.