If he is white, has a European name, with a recognizable american or english Canadian accent (like on TV) then maybe...
But there is still a risk. Yet if he wants to risk it....
Tell him to bring an updated birth certificate instead of a passeport.
Learn a few French words to greet the costom clerks. Dont talk too much and be very clear and answer the questions calmly...Plus, if he knows the people he will be visiting, have a letter of invitation...
When they ask, where he is going, he takes the letter out and either reads the address or shows it to him... But in a very natural and none intrusif manner.
PLUS - NEVER LIE. If this ask the unfortunate question... Be innocent, pretend you didn't know,then show the letter and whine with maturity... Basically YOU ARE HONNEST, terrorists are not and they play that game...
And it's true Canada is a strainer for Terrorists...